Why I Left Tech to Join Tradewater
By: Jenny Morgan

Dear Business Owner,
My name is Jenny Morgan, and I recently joined the Tradewater team. I was previously a Tradewater customer working at Microsoft, determined to ensure my organization within Microsoft Azure, became carbon neutral. I was looking for verifiable climate solutions and to emerge triumphant in my ability to “save the world.” As a Tradewater customer, I learned that small solutions can collectively have a big impact.
How did I get here?
It all started for me on a quiet morning in August 2020. Our family, along with the entire globe, was trying to navigate the pandemic, while navigating being parents of two young children. I won’t bore you with the details, but we were having a tough time.
This peaceful August morning, where I could spend a few moments alone, was thrilling. The morning sky was painted vibrant colors of orange and pink. It was a glorious sight to see. I stared in admiration until realizing that the colors may be an indication of wildfire smoke hovering above us.
For the following nine days, the six of us, including two parents, one three-year-old, one seven-month-old, and two large dogs, were unable to go outside due to the air quality in the middle of a pandemic. The smoke was even entering the house. I felt like a cockroach after someone had unleashed an entire aerosol of Raid on my family. This feeling was suffocating. It was something I could not control or reconcile with for some time — until I decided that isn’t who I am. That this isn’t who WE are as humans.
I was no longer going to passively participate in the social and environmental change that was necessary to solidify a safer world. It was no longer enough to wear a “vote” t-shirt, listen to a podcast, or sort my waste into the proper receptacle. We decided that our family must join many others as an active participant in positive change.
Creating measurable impact.
My husband began an anti-racist group and worked with local officials to protect the safety and rights of our Black American neighbors. I started my own consulting business while juggling a full-time management position with two kids at home. With time being the greatest obstacle for most of us, I focused on what was going produce the most impact.
During my research, I discovered industries that are transforming to participate in the pursuit for the greater good. Companies are adopting a triple-bottom-line approach to measure their success on profit, people, and the planet. There are stories of truth, courage, and hope driven by powerful individuals committing themselves to climate solutions. I discovered partners that could help me bring sustainable and social action into my personal and professional life.
Why I chose Tradewater.
One of those partners was Tradewater. I heard their story on the Planet Money podcast and was intrigued because I had read about their project type in Project Drawdown. Project Drawdown outlines the top 15 things we must do now if we want to mitigate climate change. At the top of the list is the collection, management, and destruction of refrigerant gases. When I heard that Tradewater does the work themselves, provides the proof, and reinvests in local communities, I was eager to meet the team.
In the two years since meeting Tim Brown, CEO, and Kirsten Love, Director of Market Development, we’ve been able to partner on multiple projects, brainstorm additional impact initiatives, and sing their praises to other business leaders within and outside of Microsoft.
Now, I am thrilled to say that I have joined the team. In my role, I will guide others along the journey from striving to doing, just like they did for me. Luckily, thanks to organizations like Tradewater, it is easier than we think. As entrepreneurs, leaders, and community members, we know that the journey must be traveled together. That is why Tradewater recently launched their new initiative, The Carbon Neutral Collective.
Making sustainable impact accessible to all.
The Carbon Neutral Collective (aka. The CNC) provides the opportunity for small to medium-sized businesses to become a sustainable and carbon neutral business – quickly, easily, and efficiently. The CNC respects the entrepreneurial mindset. CNC members do not have to hire a consultant, onboard an entire team, or become an expert in the field.
You simply calculate your carbon footprint, offset your footprint through Tradewater, and then leverage reduction resources and community members to help you lead a profitable and sustainable company. It is the ultimate opportunity to join a network of others just like you. A network with others looking to actively participate in the pursuit of a more sustainable world. All while successfully managing a business.
Leading small businesses to make a big impact.
As I lead the growth of the CNC, I am honored to work with business leaders like you that believe that the small can be mighty. I am excited to get to know your business and provide valuable opportunities with others that are behind the same mission.
All business sizes, industries, and knowledge levels are welcome. It’s a collective movement. We will be the individual threads that create a tapestry of strength, leading business and humanity forward. As Tradewater’s CEO Tim Brown eloquently said, “We sit in a place of privilege because we can do something about climate change.”
Now, let’s get to work. Calculate your carbon footprint today.
Jenny Morgan
Market Development Manager at Tradewater
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